Health, Skin

How Your Gut Health Affects Your Skin

Your skin is the most visible and the biggest organ you have, so it is essential to take care of it. While there are so many amazing external things you can do to care for your skin, sometimes your skin’s health depends on things you cannot see, like your gut health.

Your gut is basically your gastrointestinal tract or your digestive system, and the health of many other systems in your body greatly depends on it. Your gut houses a lot of microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, and even viruses – the microbiome. Before you get a jump scare, it’s the good kind of these organisms, and they all work together to create balance and allow the gut to function correctly.

So, what is your gut health? It is your gastrointestinal or digestive system’s overall health (how functional and balanced it is). Research has shown that your gut health influences your overall health, mental state, and now the state of your skin.

Your gut microbiome controls about 80 percent of your body’s immune system, and the state of your immune system determines how healthy your skin will be. It is an endless connection between systems, so a basic understanding of how they affect each other will help you make the right lifestyle decisions.

The balance or imbalance of the gut microbiome has been associated with the development of skin issues like eczema, rosacea, atopic dermatitis, acne, and more severe concerns like skin cancer. Two significant factors greatly influence your gut health; diet and your age. As we grow older, the healthier and more positive bacteria in the microbiome get weaker and die off, while the harmful ones become more prominent.

The harmful bacteria are to blame when you get skin inflammation most of the time. One thing to note is that you can develop a bad gut even at a young age and this will affect how your skin looks overall.

For healthy glowing skin, you should prioritize having good gut health and one of the easiest ways to do this is by paying attention to your diet. Some symptoms of bad gut health include bloating, diarrhea, bloody stools, and cramping. If you constantly experience these symptoms, it is time to pay attention to your gut health.

In essence, good gut health reflects on the skin through your complexion and overall freshness, but bad gut health also does the same through inflammations and other negative skin concerns like atopic dermatitis.

So, how do you take care of your gut health for better skin?

Change your Diet

Diet plays a major role in controlling your gut health. If you’re not eating a balanced diet, it is time to make the switch. You may have heard it countless times, but this is the foundation behind the fact that your diet affectsyour skin’s overall look.

We cannot over-emphasize the importance of eating foods rich in vitamins and fiber. Foods like vegetables, fruits, and grains help to keep the microbiome healthy, promoting better gut health. Bacteria feed on the fiber from these foods and ferment them as they go.

The fermentation of fiber leads to the production of a unique type of fatty acid essential for good skin health. This unique compound is anti-inflammatory and known as a short-chain fatty acid. Short-chain fatty acids also affect your immune system and brain. Your entire body enjoys the benefits of a good diet, but it is more visible on your skin.

Best Vegetables and foods for gut health


Spinach is very high in antioxidants and rich in fiber. The antioxidants in spinach can help prevent inflammation in the gut- one of the leading causes of atopic dermatitis, dandruff, and even acne. Fiber is very important if you want to maintain gut health because it helps to promote the regular movement of your bowels and digestive system.

Roots like Turmeric and Ginger

Turmeric and Ginger are excellent for gut health thanks to their ability to ease some gastrointestinal issues. Ginger also promotes gut movement, which is great for belching, indigestion, and issues like bloating. Turmeric is an antioxidant powerhouse that is good for inflammatory issues.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes have high fiber and complex carbohydrates. They are a source of good bacteria when fermented during the digestion process. To get the most out of potatoes, you should enjoy it with the skin, as that part is very rich in fiber.

Brussel Sprouts

Brussels sprouts are cruciferous vegetables rich in folate and other rare vitamins like vitamin K. Very high in fiber, vitamins K and C, Brussels sprouts make an excellent addition to your diet to improve gut health. In addition, they have phytochemicals that few research have shown are effective for fighting against cancerous cells.


The best way to maintain good gut health is to take care of the bacteria in your gut; food is the easiest way to do that. Leeks are rich in probiotics and help to regulate the pH of your gut environment.


Avocados are rich in prebiotic nutrients and excellent for gut health. They are packed with vitamins D and C that go on to make your skin glow from the inside out. Whether you drink it in a smoothie or you eat it whole, integrating avocados into your diet will do wonders for your gut health and your skin in return.

Plantains and Bananas

Plantains and Bananas are fiber-rich and packed with magnesium, potassium, and lots of vitamins. They also have starchy carbohydrates, which are also known as resistant starch. Resistant starch does not break down easily, rather it ferments, and when that happens, it leads to the creation of more good bacteria. This enhances your gut health more than you know.

Take Supplements

Supplements offer additional benefits and more support where foods fall short. They have a wide range of benefits for your gut, including a stronger immune system, increased energy, smoother digestion, and increased energy.

What kind of Supplements are good for gut health


Supplements like probiotics are known as good bacteria; they promote better gut health by increasing the composition of good bacteria in the microflora. When these bacteria are out of balance, it leads to an unhealthy gut, so take more probiotics to keep the balance. Where food is not doing enough, your supplements will do the rest.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps to improve the function of your gut barrier, which, in return reduces the occurrence of inflammation and bloating. It also boosts your immune system and promotes the growth of healthier bacteria in the microbiome.


If you want glowing skin, collagen supplements should be at the top of your must-have supplement list.


Glutamine supplements have become extremely popular for good reasons. They are amino acids that help to preserve the health of your gut by preventing gut leakage. Leaky guts can lead to different enzymes flowing into your bloodstream, and this can trigger different health concerns, including skin inflammations. Research has shown that Glutamine helps to repair and strengthen the intestinal wall, preventing gut leakage and other health issues.

Your overall skin health and how it looks greatly depend on a lot of internal factors. So, while you take care of the outside with effective skincare routines, take care of the inside with a good diet and a healthier lifestyle.

Most of your skincare concerns will be taken care of if you get your gut health under control. So, pay attention to what you eat, your stress levels, and your overall lifestyle, in addition to following a tailored skincare routine, and you’ll see the massive difference.

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