Faith, Wellness

From Heartbreak to Hope: The Birth of S.E.E.K Power Prayers

Life has a way of surprising us when we least expect it, and for me, that surprise came in the form of a divine calling—a calling that would lead me to leave behind everything I had built and start anew. I know what you’re thinking: “Who would willingly walk away from a thriving business, a beautiful city, and a community that feels like family?” But that’s exactly what happened when I answered the call that birthed S.E.E.K Power Prayers.

It all began one quiet day in Missouri, sitting on my parents’ couch, reflecting on the life I had built in San Diego. After seven years of calling that sunny city home and five years of pouring my soul into my business, Seek.The.Beat, God spoke to me. He told me it was time to move to Atlanta. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I couldn’t fathom leaving behind what I had worked so hard for. The idea of starting over felt unrealistic, and quite frankly, terrifying.

So, I did what most of us would do—I stayed. I stayed in San Diego, not just for myself but for the women who had come to view my business as their sanctuary. I convinced myself that I was doing the right thing by staying put, but life had other plans. The more I resisted, the harder things became. It felt like the universe was conspiring against me, and I couldn’t understand why—until I received another message from God. This time, He said, “I have blessings for you, but you have to get to where I told you to go!”

That message hit me like a ton of bricks. I realized that by holding on so tightly to what was, I was blocking the blessings that were waiting for me. It was time to let go and trust in God’s plan, even if that meant closing the chapter on my San Diego life and stepping into the unknown. In January 2024, I made the heart-wrenching decision to leave San Diego behind and return to my roots in Columbia, MO. But instead of feeling relieved, I found myself sinking into a deep depression. I was grieving—grieving the life I had envisioned, the business I had built, and the family, friends, and supporters who were part of my daily life. I was mourning the loss of loved ones who had passed, and I began to doubt whether I could rebuild what I had lost. I felt like a failure.

During this dark time, I realized that the only way out was through—through prayer, through faith, and through God. But even in my darkest moments, I felt inadequate in my prayers. I hadn’t grown up in a household where prayer was a daily practice, and I often found myself struggling to find the right words to express what I was feeling. That’s when the idea for S.E.E.K Power Prayers was born.

I began writing prayers for every situation I was facing—prayers that would guide me through the storm, prayers that spoke to the depths of my soul. These weren’t just words on a page; they were lifelines. And I knew that if I needed these prayers, there had to be others out there who needed them too. So, I poured my heart and soul into creating a book that would help others connect with God in the same way it had helped me.

S.E.E.K Power Prayers is more than just a book; it’s a tool for transformation. It’s a guide to help you open up your line of communication with God, to align with His will, and to experience the wisdom, peace, and freedom that comes from living a life in tune with your Creator. Whether you’re going through a tough time, seeking guidance, or simply wanting to deepen your relationship with God, this book is for you.

So, I invite you to join me on this journey of faith. If you haven’t already grabbed a copy of S.E.E.K Power Prayers, now is the time. The blessings are waiting, and all you have to do is reach out and take them. The book is available on Amazon, and it makes a thoughtful gift for anyone you know who could use a little extra spiritual support.

Remember, sometimes the hardest decisions lead to the most beautiful destinations. Trust in the process, lean into your faith, and let S.E.E.K Power Prayers be your guide.

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